Top 3 Reasons Women Need a Breast Lift
“My patient population has a lot of deflated breast tissue from pregnancy, aging, weight loss or a combination of all three of those,” shares Dr. Brzowski.
- Pregnancy
- Aging
- Weight Loss

Oftentimes, women will make an appointment for a consultation with the hopes that a breast augmentation will restore the volume they enjoyed prior to kids, aging or weight loss.
Sometimes, an implant alone is enough, but other times a breast lift is the best option.
“When we’re looking at adding volume to a patient’s breasts, that’s typically an implant,” says Brzowski. “If we also have looseness that is an issue, we frequently may need to do the breast lift, and I combine those procedures all the time.”
When an implant is added to breasts with excess loose skin, the result is often a heavier breast that sags even lower. By removing the excess skin at the time of the augmentation, Dr. Brzowski instead delivers perkier, more youthful breasts where the breast volume is present in the upper portion of the breast instead of heavy, sagging breasts.

Other Signs You Might be a Good Candidate for a Breast Lift:
- Nipples sit low on the breast or point downward
- Your breasts aren’t as firm as they once were
- The upper part of your breast is flat
- Your breasts are heavy at the bottom
- The right and left breasts look very different in size or shape
If you’re interested in learning more about how a breast lift could help you restore an attractive shape to your breasts, call Brzowski Plastic Surgery today to book your consultation.